What's the New Legislation for Opioids Petition About?

THE PETITION The Petition that we have circulating is located on Change.org and is aimed toward the development of New Controlled Substance Legislation for Chronic Pain Management. You may read the petition in its entirety below and click on the link to sign it. But now, for some important details surrounding this petition. 1. The CDC Opioid Guidelines: in 2016, the Centers for Disease Control released their Opioid Prescription Guidelines for Acute Pain. These guidelines were aimed at the General Practitioner and gave them a ball-park maximum dosage of 90mme (morphine milli-equivalent) dosage for acute pain not to exceed for any patient. Within the guidelines, the CDC specifically mentioned and excluded chronic pain patients, sickle cell anemia, other incurable disease states leading to severe pain, and end of life pain. 2. The DEA Enforcement of the CDC Guidelines: in 2018, the DEA began auditing retail pharmacies in earnest after the previous five years of multiple massive investigat...